Shin Buddhism in Modern Culture

Chapter 19 – The Ultimate End of Faith (Part 1)

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Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. In Shinran’s thought, the ultimate end of religion is:
  • 2. Which of the following statements concerning Buddhist missionary activity is FALSE?
  • 3. For Shinran, the Pure Land was:
  • 4. According to Terada Yakichi, Shinran’s great achievement in the history of Buddhism was that he:
  • 5. In diluting religion and blurring its critical focus, society encourages two approaches. Which of the following is not one of these approaches? It:
  • 6. Shinran’s religion can be called “transcendent” because:
  • 7. In Shinshu tradition, the two truths of Absolute and Conventional (Shinzokunitai) were emphasized by Rennyo to distinguish between which of the following?
Thought Questions

1. The author says that “for the Buddhist, the issue is not how religious one may be, but whether the ego is transcended.” How would you interpret this statement? What does “being religious” mean to you? And, how does this perspective differ from the attitude taken by other religious groups you know?

2. The author suggests that in the contemporary era, the Buddhist “sense of mission” needs to be developed so that the ideals, values, and potential of Buddhism are articulated and expressed in compassionate ways. What do you think? What do you think is the “mission” of the Buddhist? In what ways do you think the teachings could or should be disseminated? Give reasons.

3. What is the ultimate end of faith as understood in Shin Buddhist teachings? What relevance does this have for modern people?