📿🎫Summer Session Island Tour: Oahu District

June 28, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Pearl City Hongwanji Mission
858 2nd St
Pearl City, HI 96782
Pearl City Hongwanji Mission
(808) 455-1680
📿🎫Summer Session Island Tour: Oahu District @ Pearl City Hongwanji Mission | Pearl City | Hawaii | United States

Join us for our Oahu District Summer Session Neighbor Island speaking tour on June 28th, 2022 from 7 PM Hawaii time. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Scott Mitchell, Dean of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. He is a scholar of Buddhism in the West, Pure Land Buddhism, and Buddhist Modernism.  He has taught classes on “American Buddhism” and “Buddhism and Popular Culture” for the past fifteen years. In this presentation, Dr. Mitchell will discuss the history of Jōdo Shinshū missionaries to the mainland US and their interactions with Western scholarship on Buddhism. He will discuss the ways in which these missionaries self-consciously promoted Buddhism outside the immigrant group, and how the contributions of Shin Buddhism have been neglected in scholarship on Buddhist modernism.

Please note: If this in-person event is changed to hybrid or virtual only due to any health concerns, all registrants will be advised accordingly. Questions? Please contact Pearl City Hongwanji at (808) 455-1680.

Click link to register:
Donations are welcome and can be made to the Oahu Hongwanji Council. Please make check payable to Oahu Hongwanji Council and send it to: Pearl City Hongwanji, 858 2nd St, Pearl City, HI 96782
Or you can donate online at (select Oahu District): http://bit.ly/hhmhdonate

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