Dr. Mark Unno: “Buddhism, Mindfulness, & Psychotherapy”

March 25, 2017 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 am
Buddhist Study Center
Jamie Lyn Itokazu
Talk by Dr. Mark Unno, Associate Professor of Religion at University of Oregon
Dr. Mark Unno

Dr. Mark Unno, Associate Professor of Religion, University of Oregon

As approaches to cultivating and refining the inner experience of mind, Buddhism, mindfulness, and psychotherapy share common ground. In fact, what has come to be known as mindfulness in secular society has clear Buddhist roots, and mindfulness and psychotherapy often overlap in practice as well as theory, as they do with Buddhism.

In this workshop, we explore the similarities, differences, intersections, and synthesis of these diverse practices of the mind, and their implications.

Workshop participants will be encouraged to share their own perspectives and questions and Rev. Dr. Mark Unno will share his from the perspective of his experiences in all of these arenas including Zen, Shin Buddhism, and Jungian psychotherapy.

Donations accepted, refreshments provided

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