The Buddhist Study Center presents Summer Session 2024
“Shifting From ‘Please’ to ‘Thank You’ —
A Path to Awakening”
with Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
August 5-9, 2024
In person at the Buddhist Study Center and Online via Zoom
If you have questions, please contact the Buddhist Study Center at (808) 522-9200 or 1436 University Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96822.
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
Register Online (Google form) — you can specify in person or online attendance.
Registration Deadline: July 31, 2024
Suggested tax-deductible donation: 5 sessions $50, single sessions $10.
Checks made out to HHMH and sent to 1727 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96813 with “Summer Session” in the memo line.
Or, make an Online Donation. Mahalo!
In ancient times, the unknown world was explained in mythical form with deities and the afterlife being prominent. Relating traditional myths to our modern life has its limits. We will reverse this method of going from the past to the present. By using our current knowledge from science and psychology, we will reveal the practical and spiritual benefits of Shin.
For those seeking solutions to common concerns, Shin has provided a path for ordinary people for 800 years.
Each session will be an interactive workshop that leads to an experience of the benefits of Shin Buddhism. This is a practical guide of how being a Shin Buddhist in the 21st century can resolve many issues.
Rev. Akahoshi’s retreats and workshops use innovative methods that he learned from leading philosophers, psychologists, and Buddhist teachers. Using these interactive methods, he will share an effective, simple practice of gratitude.
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
Retired as head minister of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego in 2021, Rev. Akahoshi now leads the Ministerial Support Pillar for the Dharma Forward Campaign and gives classes for the Minister Assistants of Buddhist Churches of America. He has had recent articles in Tricycle Buddhist Magazine and Lion’s Roar. He is also writing a book which interprets Shin in a way that is relevant in 21st century America.
A dentist by profession, Rev. Dr. Akahoshi earned a degree from the University of California at San Francisco Dental School before finishing his Master’s from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, then a Master’s from the Institute of Buddhist Studies for the ministerial path.
He was a captain in the U.S. Air Force in Misawa, Japan for three years.
During his 30 years in private practice in San Jose, California, Rev. Dr. Akahoshi was Board President at San Jose Betsuin and Chaplain at the Santa Clara County Juvenile Hall.
Group photo from the 2018 Summer Session (click image for larger version)
Summer Session held its first classes in 1974 with Dr. Alfred Bloom and Dr. Mokusen Miyuki. For over 40 years, distinguished teachers including Dr. Taitetsu Unno, Rev. Gyomay Kubose, Dr. George Tanabe, Prof. Takamaro Shigaraki, Dr. Mark Unno, Rev. Ruth Tabrah, Dr. David Matsumoto, Rev. Marvin Harada, Rev. William Masuda have shared their knowledge and perspectives on Buddhism through this program.