Spring Virtual Session: “Fellow Travelers in Shin Buddhism” with Rev. Jon Turner

March 25, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Online via Zoom
donations accepted
BSC Office
(808) 973-6555

You are invited to Buddhist Study Center’s

2023 Spring Virtual Session

with Rev. Jon Turner, Orange County Buddhist Church

Saturday, March 25, 2023
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

2023-03-25 BSC Spring Session flyer thumbnail image

Click image for full-size PDF flyer.

Let’s hear about the journey of a fellow Shin Buddhist traveler, Rev. Jon Turner. Rev. Turner was introduced to Shin Buddhism when his family began attending the Orange County Buddhist Church (OCBC) in 1999. Later he joined the Minister’s Assistant Program. In 2010, Rev. Turner graduated from the Institute of Buddhist Studies at Berkeley with a master’s degree in Buddhist Studies and received his Tokudo ordination. In 2017 became a fully ordained Kaikyoshi minister at OCBC.

Our founder, Shinran Shonin referred to his followers as equal companions and “fellow travelers” (Ondobo Ondogyo) in the Dharma. Shinran taught us that, without exception, we are all “brothers and sisters” embraced by Amida Buddha’s Wisdom and Compassion.

The program will explore this unique Shin Buddhist understanding that developed from Shinran’s life experience as a monk and then a lay teacher. We urge all Jodo Shinshu followers (ministers and members) to become fellow travelers and listeners of the Buddha-Dharma.

Everyone is Welcome! Register online at: https://forms.gle/CvXJCZhsKe4Gguv17

Or, fill in the lower portion of the flyer, then clip and mail to the BSC.

Please register by Saturday, March 18, 2023.

Donations Welcome: All gifts received will be donated to the BSC & go toward furthering Buddhist education. Give online at http://bit.ly/hhmhdonate Or, checks can be made payable & mailed to the Buddhist Study Center at 1436 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822.

Questions? Call the BSC office at (808) 973-6555.

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