Shin Buddhism in Modern Culture

Chapter 10 – Religion as Manifesting Truth

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Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. Which of the following is FALSE? During the course of its history, Buddhism’s quest for truth:
  • 2. The two-level theory of truth is:
  • 3. For the Kamakura Buddhist teachers the search for truth was paramount. With the formation of Buddhist institutions:
  • 4. The Critical Classification of Doctrine was developed so that:
  • 5. Shinran distinguished two types of Nembutsu. They are:
  • 6. The great emphasis today in religion, as it has been for some time, is:
  • 7. For Shinran the aim of religious faith is to:
  • 8. According to the author, to keep religious tradition alive, its followers must:
Thought Questions

1. It is often the case that the original vitality of the founder is lost when institutionalization takes place. Frequently the truth becomes routinized and fixed and members of the institution no longer are truth seekers. What is th danger of this happening? What do you think the institution can do to encourage an open search for truth? Why do you think the institution may not want to do this?

2. The author says that in our times the quest for truth has been replaced by the pursuit of taste. What does he mean by “the pursuit of taste?” Do you agree? Why?

3. Many people today turn to religion in order to find peace of mind. The author states that peace of mind is merely egoistic satisfaction. What do you think? Examine your own motivations. Why are you drawn to religion?

4. Reflect upon the following statement: ”Buddhism has always recognized that the pursuit of truth and the recognition of truth are quite different.” Comment on this.

5. We think that tradition is important. Yet, if tradition does not manifest and make clear the truth, what is tradition?