Essay on Birth of Americanized Buddhism: Yemyo Imamura – by Dr. Moriya Tomoe, Meiji Gakuin University. A scholarly summary of Dr. Tomoe’s Ph.D. thesis, presenting the historical and religious significance of Yemyo Imamura, the second Bishop of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission in Hawaii (1900-32), developer of Buddhism along democratic lines and separated from the nationalist ideology that was forming in Japan. Imamura criticized the nativist approach to democracy in America as well, and is seen as an early expression of socially engaged Buddhism current today.

An Analysis of ‘Shinranism in Mahayana Buddhism and the Modern World’ – by Rev. Michihiro Ama, Higashi Hongwanji Mission, USA.

“Kaishin” (The Open Spirit) – by Soga Ryojin. An example of this important Higashi Honganji scholar’s work, the start of a new journal in the pre-war period.

The Savior on earth: The Significance of Dharmakara Bodhisattva’s Appearance in this World – by Soga Ryojin. An exploration of the meaning of Dharmakara Bodhisattva as the foundation of Shin salvation theory.

By Kaneko Daiei, a leading Shin thinker in the Higashi Honganji tradition:
… Enlightenment for Ordinary People
… History of the Buddha Way – A discussion of the relation of history and karma and their meaning for faith.
… Rennyo the Restorer – A summary biography of Rennyo Shonin.
… Message and Medium – A lecture positioning the Nembutsu in relation to prayer, zazen, and principles of religion. The lecture, entitled “Shutairon” (subjectivity), is a defense of Nembutsu in the context of Buddhism and religion in general.

Certain Views on Shinshu – by D.T. Suzuki. This author, noted primarily for his writings on Zen, was very interested in Shin Buddhism toward the end of his life, writing numerous essays and translating all but the final volume of the “Kyogyoshinsho,” Shinran’s major work.

A Critique of Jodo Shinshu – by Hisamatsu Shin’ichi. A noted Zen scholar and teacher presents his view of Shin Buddhism and its meaning.

Reflections – by Wayne Yokoyama. A lecture discussing modern Shinshu figures, including Kiyozawa Manshi, D.T. Suzuki, Soga Ryojin, and Kaneko Daiei.

Faith is Power – by Kiyozawa Manshi, The Hawaiian Buddhist, March 1940.