Shin Buddhism in Modern Culture

Chapter 21 – The Ultimate End of Faith (Part 3)

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Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. In the context of world religions, Pure Land teachings:
  • 2. In early Buddhist cosmology, there is a gradated universe that essentially has three levels or planes, outside of which there is Nirvana. Every aspect of this cosmology is governed by:
  • 3. An outstanding feature of Mahayana cosmology was the development of the concept of:
  • 4. The idea of the state of non-retrogression, as proclaimed in the Larger Pure Land Sutra, may have offered aspiring bodhisattvas as well as ordinary persons a stronger sense of security because it:
  • 5. Which of the following statements best describes Shinran’s understanding of the Pure Land?
  • 6. According to Shinran, the Pure Land is:
  • 7. Establishing that birth in the Pure Land is Nirvana, Shinran moves to the second aspect of rebirth which is the:
  • 8. As a True Land of Recompense, the Pure Land is a place where we:
  • 9. In contrast to the True Buddha Land, there is a Transformed Land where people who do not have true faith:
  • 10. Shinran’s teaching is an expression of great compassion and hope for all humankind because it:
Thought Questions

1. How did Shinran respond to the human concern over the nature of the afterlife by using the symbols of the Pure Land?

2. What is your understanding of the reality of the Pure Land?Does it have an objective existence or does it exist only in the mind? Is it a land that one enters after one dies or is it immanent within our world? Discuss the problem of reconciling these two views.

3. What is the difference in meaning between the terms anraku and gokuraku? Which one did Shinran seem to prefer? Why?

4. What was it about Shinran’s use of religious symbols that portrayed his great compassion?