Shin Buddhism in Modern Culture

Chapter 22 – Shin Buddhism in the Modern Ethical Context

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Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. In the modern social and intellectual context:
  • 2. Pure Land Buddhism has frequently been criticized as irrelevant by modern people because:
  • 3. The distinction of absolute and conventional truths in Shin Buddhism was employed to:
  • 4. The story of Dharmakara Bodhisattva in the “Larger Pure Land Sutra” is significant because it:
  • 5. The importance of Honen in Japanese Pure Land history lies in the fact that:
  • 6. The awareness of the two dimensions of faith in Shinran’s thought:
  • 7. According to Shinran, ethical action is:
  • 8. According to the author, Shinran moved religion beyond:
  • 9. Shinran’s view that all the world is a lie and deception indicates that:
  • 10. A major problem of the principle of Conventional truth and absolute truth in Shin history has been that:
Thought Questions

1. What do you see as the foundation for ethical activity and social participation in Shinran’s thought?

2. Discuss the issue of Conventional and Absolute Truth in Jodo Shinshu. Is it a useful distinction in relating society and religious faith?