Shin Buddhism in Modern Culture

Chapter 23 – Shin Buddhism in Encounter with a Religiously Plural World

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Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. The author suggests that, in our attempt to live as Shin Buddhists in a religiously plural world, it is best to:
  • 2. The author mentions several dimensions which we must consider from the standpoint of faith. Which of the following is the dimension that challenges us to life and living in this world of time and space?
  • 3. Shin Buddhism:
  • 4. Which of the following statements describing the nature of strong religious conviction is false? It:
  • 5. What was Shinran’s perspective on religious alternatives? He:
  • 6. Generally speaking, in Buddhism the category of teachings referred to as pagan teachings are:
  • 7. Shinran’s own critical classification of doctrines is known as:
  • 8. What potential does Shin Buddhism hold in terms of its relation with other religions?
  • 9. What can Shin Buddhism receive from interfaith relations?
  • 10. What can Shin Buddhism offer contemporary society?
Thought Questions

1. What can the Shin Buddhist gain by interacting with and engaging in dialogue with other religious traditions? What can she or he offer?

2. Although he held strong convictions, Shinran was not dogmatic. He clearly understood his limitations. In interfaith dialogue, do you think Shinran’s humble attitude would be regarded as a sign of passivity and weakness? Why or why not?

3. Having reflected upon this final chapter, do you now feel that you would like to someday take part in interfaith discussions?Why or why not?

4. In your opinion what are some of the areas in which Shin Buddhism can contribute to religious dialogue in contemporary society?

5. Would you encourage your own temple (if you are a member) to take part in interfaith dialogue? Why or why not? Do you think there would be opposition to this idea? If so, by whom?