My thoughts and observations
Welcome everyone to the Shin Dharma Net Blog. I have appreciated the many contacts that have come through the Shin Dharma Net website, and now perhaps we can enter a new phase where there can be more interaction. I am glad to entertain your questions and comments.
Pure Land Buddhism, especially Shinran’s interpretation, has much to offer modern people without being sectarian, or dogmatic. We have a standpoint, but it does not carry the assumption that our viewpoint is the only one.
Amida Buddha — the subject of my most recent essay posted on the Shin Dharma Net site, titled, “Amida Buddha, The Central Symbol of Pure Land Teaching” — is the symbol of Cosmic Reality. Therefore, all expressions of truth, whatever their source, are all the truth of Reality.
Amida’s name means Infinite and Boundless or Boundary-less. It is a context for sharing. While there are personal reasons for my focusing on Amida, it does not need to be the reason for others. We each make our own spiritual journey. I will be viewing things from the Shin Buddhist perspective as I understand it. Yet, how many rays are there in the sun?
Again, welcome aboard for our trip together.
It’s so good to see you opened a blog about Shin Buddhism.
As always, I’m in late. But it’s never too late, right? I will read your thoughts about the Pure Land Path with the utmost interest and I will share my ideas or feelings with you.
Dear Nicola:
Thank you for your comment. It is never too late as you say. I hope continues well and we can exchange ideas as we have.
Al Bloom